20 Foods That Have Almost 0 Calories



#2 Slim rice

Another carbohydrate that’s similar to shirataki noodles is slim rice, and it can be used as an alternative to it. It only contains about 7 to 9 calories for every 100-gram serving.

To put that into perspective, the same amount of brown rice would give you a little over 110 calories. Slim rice is also gluten-free and made from non-GMO konjac flour. This is the same ingredient that’s used in shirataki noodles. But you can eat it in rice form instead, which might be more suitable for certain meals.

And the good news is that the texture and consistency of the product is similar to regular rice. Since most veggies are also very low in calories, it might not be a bad idea to try steaming some vegetables and serving them along with slim rice for an almost calorie-free meal.


You should know that there are also many claims about konjac root having appetite-suppressing effects. Unfortunately, more studies are needed to confirm this. But if it does help suppress appetite on top of being really low in calories, then it could really help with fat loss even more, especially if you find yourself hungry throughout the day.


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