1. Standard Push-ups

What are strong exercises that will allow you to do more pushups? - Quora

It’s an oldie, but a goodie. The push up (or press up – the terms are interchangeable) is a fantastic chest workout. Lie face down flat on the floor, have your hands in line with your shoulders and extend your arms so they’re straight. Then, get up on your toes, keeping a straight line all the way from your heels to your neck. Make sure you don’t flex at the hips or curve your back. This will reduce the effectiveness of the push up and potentially put you at risk of hurting yourself.

To do a single push up, bend your elbows and get your chest as close to the floor as possible. Make sure to keep your back and legs in a straight line the whole time, or you won’t get the benefits. Do a set of 10 reps, take a 30 second break and start again. Do three sets and that’s you done. Once this starts to get a little easier, start increasing the number of reps in each set. Add two reps to each set every time you want to push yourself further.

If you want to get the most out of each push up and ensure you keep your form, it’s important you complete each rep in a slow, controlled manner. Don’t rush through them as this will give you the tendency to lose your shape and not get as much out of each push up.

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