These are the Best Foods For Improved Sleep



2. Oats

Oats aren’t just a food to enjoy at breakfast, but it’s also a good night-time food. It’s high in carbs, which means that it will flood your body with the sleepy neurochemical serotonin. You’ll feel a lot more relaxed, and getting to sleep with be much easier thanks to the oatmeal.

  • Note: Oats contain slow-digesting carbs, so they won’t impact your blood sugar.

It’s not just the carbs that help you to sleep, but it’s also the warmth of the oatmeal. There’s something about eating or drinking something warm that makes you sleepy.

Lifehack: There’s something fantastic about a mug of warm milk to put you to sleep, and babies seem to have it right. It’s not just the warmth, but milk contains tryptophan – an amino acid that has a sedating effect. Drink a cup of warm milk with a bit of honey – another sleepy-time remedy – and you’ll be sawing logs in no time!



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