The Full-Body Dumbbell Workout Program At Home



For Arms: Curl and Skull Crusher

Arm Exercise - Triceps - How to do Skull Crushers - YouTube

Dumbbells provide unlimited direct arm training options. Many lifters use sloppy form and load too heavily to control. Take this opportunity to break bad habits and use strict form.

Workout A. Dumbbell Curl

  1. LStart each curl with your palm facing forward with your elbow fully extended.
  2. Ditch the half hammer curl and stretch both bicep heads under load through full range of motion.
  3. Flex your elbow and curl the weight with minimal shoulder movement.
  4. Emphasize the negative by slowing it down for added mechanical tension.
  5. Pause on each side as you alternate arms.

Do 4 sets of 12-25.

Workout B. Dumbbell Skull Crusher

  1. LLay on the floor and hold the dumbbells with neutral grip.
  2. Begin with arms extended to the ceiling.
  3. Choose a humerus angle close to 90 degrees from your body.
  4. Hinge at the elbows and lower the weights to the sides of your head while keeping your shoulders stable.

Individual dumbbells will be less stable than using a bar, necessitating lighter load. Do 4 sets of 10-20.

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