20 Foods That Have Almost 0 Calories

Concluding notes

So those are 20 of the best lowest-calorie foods. Now I want to provide an example of how you can put all these foods together to create a full course meal consisting of hardly any calories.

You can start by drinking a glass of water at the beginning of your meal. Then start your meal with the tomato soup recipe provided above.

Next you can create a low-calorie noodle salad by boiling shirataki noodles and a bunch of your favorite low-calorie vegetables (like zucchini, celery, Bok choy, broccoli, or cauliflower) and serve it with a calorie-free Walden Farms dressing.

Finish off the meal with a piece of watermelon or a kiwi. If you have an average-sized serving of all of this, you’ll end up with a highly satiating full course meal containing only around 150 calories in total.

So that’s it guys. I really hope this article has helped you out. Also, if you want any extra help with burning fat or losing weight,






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