Which Health Insurance Plan is Right For Me?

Insurance is a fairly complex subject to understand, especially without the help of a professional financial planner. There are many different types of insurance for different needs, but the basis of each is always protection.

If you don’t know where to start, health insurance is a good place to start. A health insurance policy covers you for medical and surgical expenses in the event of an unfortunate hospitalization. Health insurance in Singapore is therefore essential for everyone because the last thing you want is to add financial worries in the middle of a medical emergency.

Here is an overview of some of the health insurance plans we have at NTUC Income:

Enhanced IncomeShield

As the name implies, Enhanced IncomeShield is an enhanced version of our original IncomeShield, which is a Medisave-approved integrated protection plan that provides additional protection in addition to Singapore’s national health system, MediShield Life. Since comfort is important in the recovery process, Enhanced IncomeShield now offers you the luxury of choosing the class of service you want for your stay. The plan also includes emergency treatment abroad in addition to 100 days pre- and post-hospitalization coverage for eligible medical treatment. For added peace of mind, you can also choose to add endorsements that help you minimize your out-of-pocket expenses on hospital bills.

Co-pay Assistance Plan

This is a group insurance policy for public officials covered by the global co-payment system. It reduces the amount a person and their dependents must pay for approved medical bills. These include hospital and outpatient treatment and medical expenses incurred while working abroad.

As much as we would like to have a positive outlook on life, even though we never know when a tragedy may occur, it is best to always be insured against the worst. Here are some of the health insurance plans that provide long-term coverage in the event of a serious disability:


For people who require long-term care due to a severe disability, this plan provides a monthly payment of up to $400 for up to 72 months for those considered severely disabled.


This plan complements ElderShield with a full suite of enhanced benefits for people with severe disabilities. It offers a higher monthly benefit and payments are for life.


Abbreviated as the Interim Assistance Program for Seniors, the ISDI provides monthly cash payments to those who do not qualify for ElderShield coverage due to age or existing disability. These cash benefits depend on the individual’s monthly household income and can extend over a maximum period of 72 months.

CareShield Life

An enhanced version of the ElderShield program, CareShield Life is designed to provide better protection for people over 30 against the uncertainty of long-term care costs by offering higher payments that increase over time, up to age 67 or until a claim is made, whichever is earlier. If you are considered severely disabled, you will receive payments for as long as you remain disabled.

Care Secure

Designed to enhance your CareShield Life coverage, Care Secure helps you achieve greater health security by supplementing your monthly lifetime disability benefits in the event you become moderately or severely disabled. It also provides comprehensive benefits such as alimony, a dependant’s benefit, and a death benefit.

Ready to buy health insurance? Or need more help?

Find a policy and get a quote easily using our hassle-free portal. Or, if you’re feeling a little lost,

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