If you are here, it is certainly because you are looking for good plans to effectively invest your money in 2021, in order to get interesting revenues in the long run.

This has led us to find all the solutions, more or less risky, to invest in 2021, so that you have the necessary baggage to invest your money efficiently, according to your needs, expectations, income, and objectives, in the short, medium or long term.

Thus, you will be able to find through this article useful information on all possible investments, whether they are secure or less secure, in any case, they each have their own advantages and disadvantages.


A first observation can be made: investing your money is not very complicated. That’s true, but you still need to know how to get the most out of it while minimizing the risks! And that’s where it gets a little more complicated… choosing the best financial investment in 2021 in order to maximize your capital gains is not necessarily easy and within everyone’s reach.

It requires a certain investment of time and thought because everyone is looking for the best possible compromise: more profitability and less risk. By taking risks, you can gain much more in the long run, but you also take more risk, so it’s a double-edged sword decision.

That’s why it’s important to remember that you should always plan for a back-up solution and build up some capital on the side, before investing in a risky investment.


How much money should be saved?

It all depends on your investment project in 2021, it can be large (e.g. real estate) or more limited (e.g. buying shares).

It is essential to know in advance how much time you are going to save: would you choose to invest in the short, medium or long term? Here is a small reminder of the average investment periods:

Short-term investment: from one week to several months
Medium-term investment: from one year to 4 years
Long-term investment: more than 4 years

It is therefore important to establish a viable investment strategy over time so that you can best organize yourself with your investment. To determine this, you will have to base yourself on several criteria: your income, your objectives, your projects, and your needs.


We have therefore touched on several points that may be of interest to you and it is possible to find the best choice for investing in 2021. First of all, it is recommended to diversify all your investments. This is the only indispensable solution to ensure that your losses are not considerable. This way, you learn to multiply your investments and the risks are less numerous over the long term.

Don’t entrust all your savings to a single organization, because the chances of losing a considerable amount of money are high.
Several alternatives are possible, such as life insurance, which deserves your attention in view of its advantages.
The stock market also tends to appeal to individuals, but it necessarily requires a very high level of knowledge that you should not put aside.
On the Internet, you will also find platforms that can provide you with information about which investments to make and which to discard.

It should be noted that blogging can bring additional income if you are trained, you could launch a niche site and make small amounts of money that are always interesting. You can even multiply them by two if you adopt several platforms of the same kind.


In addition to the solutions we have presented, you can also take a closer look at the world of real estate since the benefits are often very significant.

However, it is necessary to be accompanied, because a mistake can be very damaging, especially for novices who do not necessarily master all the jargon related to real estate. You can then be accompanied by renowned investors and this will be the opportunity to take full advantage of your investments since they can be profitable thanks to the Pinel law for example.

You choose an apartment or a house and you can thus save more easily while saving money on taxes. The operating mode is simple, you will have the choice between several durations for the renting, it can be 6, 9, or 12 years and each time you will have a more or less attractive percentage.

It will be possible to enjoy 6000 euros per year when all the conditions are met. Therefore, the world of real estate is undoubtedly one of the best investments to make in 2021, do not hesitate to be accompanied by various choices. For example, a broker will be able to help you select the best housing.



Stock exchange (CFDs, binary options, bonds, options, mutual funds, warrants)
Investment in gold (read more)
Investing in foreign currencies (see our complete guide)
Real estate (purchase / sale, rental)
Life insurance (more info)


Regulated booklets (Livret A, LDD, Livret jeune, LEP)
Home savings (PEL, CEL)
Term Account
Guaranteed capital fund
Euro funds from life insurance contracts

Note: Savings passbooks should no longer be viewed as profitable investments because with the government’s many reforms, interest rates have become extremely high. It is impossible to become rich with a Livret A or even life insurance. On the other hand, by investing intelligently in the stock market or in real estate, there is something interesting to do.

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