What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Bananas Every Day



Banana Overdose Levels
The recommended amount of daily potassium varies from person to person, but in general, you would need to eat about 7 or 8 bananas to get all of your daily potassium from that source alone.
And while too much potassium can have a disastrous effect on your heart, it would take about 400 bananas a day for a healthy person to reach the danger zone!
Potassium is a vital component of any healthy diet and bananas are a great source of it. Studies have shown that a high potassium intake offers up to a 20% lower risk of dying from all causes!
When considering your daily intake, remember that many other foods offer even higher levels of potassium than bananas, including sweet and white potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon, spinach, beets, black and white beans, salmon, edamame, butternut squash, Swiss chard, and plain yogurt.
But if you’re generally healthy and eat a well-balanced diet, there’s no reason not to enjoy a banana or 10 every day.




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