Nail Shapes and Personality Traits: A Revealing Connection

Nail Shapes and Personality Traits: A Revealing Connection Everyone has different nails: some are wide and square, others small and narrow. But have you ever thought about what they tell you? A well-known Nigerian scientist has produced a research paper stating that the natural shape of nails, such as fingerprints, can contain information about the owner’s personality.

Find the photo that most closely resembles your nails and read the description:

Short and round nails

How to Pick Nail Shapes 2021 - Round, Oval, Almond, Coffin Nails Guide

Quick-tempered and impatient, these people are still incredibly fast. The shorter the nails, the more demanding the person is with himself and others. They always strive to find their way and are incorrigible perfectionists.

Continue reading to see Nail Shapes and Personality Traits: A Revealing Connection.


Very small square nails  

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 Acute, flexible, resourceful, and quick-witted people. Very explosive, even if their explosions pass quickly. They tend to be greedy and aggressive, as well as jealous.



Long, narrow nails  

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Selfish, calculating, and opportunistic people. They love luxury and draw attention to themselves. They often take offense.



Wide, long and rectangular nails

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Quiet, pragmatic, balanced, and independent people with a great mindset. They are reliable and have a keen sense of responsibility for their words and deeds. Born executives.



Almond-shaped nails

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Fragile, tender, and romantic souls with great ideals. They would like to feel useful to others, are very sentimental, and are easily offended.



Triangular nails

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A triangular or inverted triangle-shaped fingernail is usually a sign of a genius. You’re innovative, think differently than others, and demand perfection. You come up with new ideas that nobody else seems to think about and move at a much faster pace than most people. As a result, people you meet are fascinated by you in some way or another.


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