The strongest 5 Exercises to Build Chest Muscle Growth

The Chest-Building Exercise

1. Incline push-up

Person performing incline pushup against wooden block.

Pushups are a great multifunctional exercise because they work the entire upper body and back. Performing pushups at an incline will put more focus on the lower chest.


  • a flat workout bench, jump box, or step platform


  1. Stand in front of the bench. Place the hands shoulder-width apart on the edge of the bench.
  2. Adopt a plank position by extending the legs backward until the legs and back form a straight line. Keep the weight on the balls of the feet.
  3. Slowly bend the arms to lower the chest toward the bench. Remember to keep the elbows and arms close to the body.
  4. Slowly push the body away from the bench, extending the arms but maintaining a slight bend in the elbow.
  5. Perform 8–12 reps for one set.

Open Next Page To See More The strongest 5 Exercises to Build Chest Muscle Growth …



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