Best Exercises To Build Massive Lower Chest



15 – Standing One-Arm Landmine Press

Landmine (Half-Kneeling) One-Arm Shoulder Press

Most chest presses stress your shoulders. This exercise nails your chest while improving your shoulder mobility.

Your shoulder blade moves with you as you press, putting less strain on the joint, said Eric Cressey, co-owner of Cressey Sports Performance in Hudson, MA.

And because your core has to lock down to prevent your torso from bending back or twisting, it also rocks your abs.Do it: Perform this unique exercise by placing one end of a barbell securely into the corner, grabbing the opposite end with one arm. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bending slightly at the knees while pushing your butt back.

Start with your elbow by your side with your wrist up near your shoulder. Brace your core and press your arm straight up and out toward the ceiling.

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