11 Surprising Reasons Why Cats Slap Each Other: Decoding Feline Behavior

Redirected Aggression:

Uncover the phenomenon of redirected aggression, where cats may resort to slapping each other due to frustration caused by external stimuli.


Learn how excessive stimulation, such as petting or handling, can lead to a cat feeling overwhelmed and resorting to slapping as a form of self-defense.

Play Behavior:

Playful slapping is common among young cats or kittens. It’s a way for them to practice hunting skills and engage in friendly interactions with their littermates or other cats.

Redirected Aggression:

Cats may experience frustration or aggression from an external stimulus, such as seeing another cat outside the window or hearing a loud noise. When they can’t direct their aggression towards the source, they might displace it onto another cat nearby.

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Number 3 Will Shock You !!!!!!!!!!!!


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