The Top 8 Happiest Dog Breeds In The World That Will Make Your Life Better

6. Beagles

Beagles have a beautiful nose, which is perhaps why they’re so fun-loving all the time: they’re experiencing life fully. A home with a beagle in it’s typically a happy place to be.

Beagles like to be in the outdoors and are real people-pleasers too. Famed for being good-natured, gentle, friendly, and good-tempered with everybody, they make for the proper family dog. While not essentially, they’re notorious barkers, especially when they are excited. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.

Number 3 will shock you!

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5. Poodles



Easily one of the most majestic dog breeds, poodles are amongst the neatest dog breeds in the world. The latter makes them ridiculously simple to coach and teach tricks. Their intelligence transcends, however, to the emotional aspect, with them being extremely emphatic and showing emotion intelligence. A poodle dog is sort of a fantastic dog to own around, for they’ll go out of their way to cheer you up.

Number 3 will shock you!

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