Best Cardio Exercises To Do At Home

Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers
Verywell / Ben Goldstein

What: Running the knees in and out from a push-up position.

Why: Mountain climbers raise the heart rate while building strength and endurance in the core. No special skills are needed.

Requirements: Strong wrists

Precautions: This exercise can tax the wrists, arms, and shoulders, as well as the core.

Variations: Alternate jumping each foot forward and back; use sliding discs, paper plates,, or towels; combine them with other exercises such as burpees, push-ups, or planks

Best Ways to Use Mountain Climbers in a Workout

  • In a Cardio Circuit: Add mountain climbers to your cardio circuit, doing them for 30-60 seconds each time.
  • In a Strength Workout: Combine mountain climbers with push-ups or planks to add intensity.
  • In Combinations: For high intensity, do a series of mountain climbers with burpees, alternate 10 push-ups with 10 mountain climbers, or add them to bear crawls.

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