The 10 Best EZ Curl Bar Arm Exercises + Workout

6. EZ curl bar supine cable curls

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If standing biceps exercises have a disadvantage, it is that it’s easy to cheat and use your legs and back to lift the weight. Lying flat on the floor stops almost all cheating, so your biceps end up doing all of the work. This is also a good exercise for anyone with lower back pain.

How to do it:

  1. Attach an EZ curl bar to a low pulley machine. Sit on the floor with the pulley between your feet, legs straight.
  2. Grab the handle using an underhand wide or narrow grip and lie down. Brace your abs, pull your shoulders down and back, and tuck your upper arms into your sides.
  3. Bend your elbows and curl the bar up to your shoulders.
  4. Extend your arms and repeat.


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