12 Best Push-Up Exercises For a Nicer Chest

#5 Staggered plyometric push-up

This is a slightly easier plyometric exercise. It’s still a more challenging version of a push up though.

You can use it when you’ve progressed past the point of a regular push-up and you need a way to challenge yourself further.

Step 1

Get into a push-up position, except this time put one hand further up above the line of your shoulder. Place the other hand further down below the line of your shoulder.

Step 2

From there, lower yourself down for a push-up. As you do this, make sure the lower arm tracks that elbow close to the body. Meanwhile, the arm above your shoulder will have your elbow coming out to the side more.

Step 3

Once you reach the bottom of your push-up, explode up and switch the position of your hands. So now the bottom hand is on top and vice versa. Then repeat for reps.

Keep in mind – if it’s too challenging, you can simply switch hands one at a time without exploding up.

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