12 Best Push-Up Exercises For a Nicer Chest

#10 Spiderman push-ups

These can help if explosive push-ups are too hard for you to put proper tension on your upper body.

Step 1

The beginning setup is the same as any other push-up. But when you lower yourself down you’re going to bring one knee to the matching elbow that’s on the same side.

Step 2

While keeping your knee there, lower yourself all the way to the ground, then press back up.

Step 3

Return your leg to the starting position and do the same thing on the other side.

Each time you bring your leg up to your elbow you decrease stabilization, and you increase the load on your upper body.

Since you have to turn out your body, you also increase the range of motion on the side opposite from your knee.

This combination makes the exercise more difficult for your chest. It also gives you a progression path past a regular push-up.

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