CrossFit Workouts for Beginners

Rope and Ball

Rope and Ball

Using a jump rope and medicine ball you can perform a vast range of CrossFit exercises. Everyone from beginners to professionals performs workouts using the jump rope and medicine ball.

This is a type of circuit exercise focusing on both, the upper body and lower body strength.

  • Stand with hip-width apart, and keep your back straight.
  • Do simple jumps using the jump rope for 60 sec.

Then a rest for 30 seconds and perform medicine ball squat by following these steps:

  • Stand shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep the medicine ball between your legs.
  • Bend your knees, keep the hips lifted, and perform a deep squat.
  • Grip the medicine ball with both hands.
  • Lift your body.
  • As you stand straight, throw the ball in the air with full force.
  • Catch the ball as it comes down.
  • Again, perform the squat while holding the ball.
  • Repeat this for 60 sec.

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