Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

8. Carpal tunnel syndrome

Your carpal tunnel is a passage in your wrist that your median nerve travels through. Your median nerve controls the movement and feeling of your thumb and all of your fingers (except the pinky). Rheumatoid arthritis can cause inflammation of the carpal tunnel which puts pressure on your median nerve. This is known as carpal tunnel syndrome. Typical symptoms include numbness and itching in your hand, as well as weakness and difficulty with gripping things.

9. Bunions, claw toes, or hammertoes

Inflammation of your joints can lead to these joints becoming deformed over time. This is due to the supporting cartilage and connective tissue degrading and no longer being able to support the joint properly. Since smaller joints are more badly affected than larger joints, these deformities tend to show up in your feet and can include bunions, claw toes, or hammertoes.



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