Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

6. Rashes, ulcers, or pins and needles

Rheumatoid arthritis can lead to inflammation of the blood vessels, also known as vasculitis. The blood vessels that are affected can be anywhere in the body but it is common in the skin, leading to rashes and ulcers, and in the nervous system, leading to pins and needles or numbness.

7. Cough and shortness of breath

Rheumatoid arthritis inflammation can also affect your lungs. Over time, this inflammation can lead to scarring or damage to the lung tissue, which can cause a variety of respiratory conditions, including pleurisy or pulmonary fibrosis. You can also be at risk of fluid build-up in your chest, known as pleural effusion, or pulmonary hypertension which is high blood pressure in your lungs.



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