10 Best Pregnancy Food Combos to Boost Your Prenatal Diet

6. Lentils + Fortified Grains = Preventing Birth Defects

Folate (a B vitamin found in some foods) and folic acid (a synthetic form of folate) can help prevent neural tube disorders like spina bifida. Before and during pregnancy, getting at least 400 micrograms of folate or folic acid (found in supplements and enriched grain products like cereals, pasta, and white rice) can prevent neural-tube abnormalities by up to 70%.

Because birth abnormalities of the brain and spine frequently emerge in the first few weeks of pregnancy, before a woman even realizes she’s pregnant, it’s critical to begin obtaining the required daily quantity as soon as possible, ideally before conception. If you’re already pregnant, the daily dose should be increased to 600 micrograms. If your diet and prenatal vitamin don’t provide enough folic acid, you’ll probably need a supplement, but talk to your doctor first.


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