Rare Photos From The Vietnam War Brought To Life With Color

Life’s Like A Box of Chocolate

Forrest Gump

While not coming to our screens until decades later, the beloved classic Forrest Gump portrays life around the time of the Vietnam War—both in the war and beyond—brilliantly like few other films have been able to do. The movie and its star, Tom Hanks, covers everything from the intensity of the war, death, PTSD, the hippie movement, the drug pandemic, and how the era ultimately changed the face and direction of the U.S. indefinitely.

The First Lady of Vietnam

Lola Falana vietnam

Bob Hope held his final USO tour in 1972, and world-famous actress, singer, and model Lola Falana joined the troupe in its last run. She can be seen here in this picture working it on the stage with her mad talent for the troops in Da Nang, and this First Lady of Las Vegas didn’t skimp on anything for the soldiers. From glamourous costumes to impossible dance numbers, Lola used every second she had on the tour to bring the troops some joy.


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