10 Best Exercises for Bigger Bicep Peaks

6 Narrow-grip chin-ups

Build Your Upper Body With Close-Grip Pull-Ups - GymGuider.com

This is one of the best compound exercises for your bicep peaks.

Chin-ups are a little different than pull-ups because your hands will be supinated. So your palms will be facing towards you rather than away from you.

Also, your hands will typically be closer together during chin-ups than with pull-ups. That’s especially true with this narrow variation.

Step 1

Grab the pull-up bar with your hands closer than shoulder-width apart.

Step 2

Hang straight down, before pulling yourself up until your chin clears the top of the pullup bar.

Step 3

Slowly lower yourself down and repeat for reps. Pretty simple, but not easy.

Keep in mind, if you can’t do a pull-up at all right now, you can still develop your biceps with an assisted pullup machine. You can also use resistance bands.

As you progress, you can reduce the amount of assistance until you’re ready to do chin-ups on your own.


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