10 Best Exercises for Bigger Bicep Peaks

4 Lying cable bicep curl

Lying Straight Bar Cable Bicep Curl - YouTube

Going back to cables, this is another effective peak builder that you may not know about.

It’s one of the few bicep exercises that make it almost impossible to use momentum, which is an immediate plus.

To begin, position the pulley at the top of a cable cross. Attach a bar to the pulley and place a flat or declined bench under it.

Step 1

Grab the bar with a close underhanded grip and lay back against the bench with your arms extended straight up.


Curl the bar towards your forehead. And right here you’ll notice another big benefit of this exercise.

There’s no way to rest at the top of the contraction. No matter how close you bring the bar, the tension stays on your biceps.

As you curl, remember to keep your elbows and upper arms locked in position. Only your forearms and hands must move.

Step 3

Once the bar is almost at your forehead, extend your arms back to the starting position and repeat for reps.


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